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Intermediate Powerboat Certificate

This is a two day course for the recreational powerboater who wants to explore more of the waters around them



Intermediate - Level 4


The aim of this course is to provide the recreational powerboater with the skills they need to plan and use their boat for general recreation use in fair weather conditions, during daylight hours and in waters with which they are familiar. It includes the typical skills they will need to enjoy longer coastal passages, family daytrips and activities such as swimming from the boat.

Previous Knowledge

Participants must hold the Irish Sailing National Powerboat Certificate or an equivalent certificate.
It is strongly recommended that participants hold a first aid certificate and the Short Range (SRC) VHF radio operator’s certificate.


2 Days


Kilrush Marina, Lower and Upper Shannon Estuary

What to bring

Your powerboating gear suitable for all weather conditions.


Pen and notepad, whistle, knife.


NB: We do not provide any waterproof gear. Participants without the appropriate gear will not be allowed on the water. Participants must be prepared for boating in all conditions, whatever the forecasted weather may be.

Equipment included

Buoyancy Aid, Course notes


Planing boats suitable in open waters.


Participants must hold the Irish Sailing National Powerboat Certificate or an equivalent certificate.
It is strongly recommended that participants hold a first aid certificate and the Short Range (SRC) VHF radio operator’s certificate.

No. of Persons on Course

4 participants with 1 instructor in one boat or 6 participants with 1 instructor in two boats


NB: This course will only run with a minimum of 3 participants.




Irish Sailing - Intermediate Powerboat Certificate


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